This policy seeks to ensure that Itchy Teeth undertakes its responsibilities (and responds to concerns appropriately) with regards to all individuals who engage with their services. Special attention is given to the protection of children and vulnerable adults, establishing a framework to support participants & staff in their practices and clarify the organisation’s code of conduct and expectations.
Itchy Teeth is fully committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all individuals who engage with our workshops & courses, regardless of their age, ability or disability, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or gender status.
Safeguarding Officer
Itchy Teeth has designated a lead safeguarding officer who is responsible for overseeing all safeguarding matters. It is the lead officer’s responsibility to ensure that:
The welfare of all individuals is promoted within the organisations culture.
They receive concerns about safeguarding and respond to all seriously, swiftly and appropriately making onward referrals as necessary to the appropriate services.
They keep up to date with local arrangements for safeguarding and CRB
They keep records of concerns and actions
They ensure effective exchange of policies and information with all partners and third-party users Itchy Teeth engages with.
Note: This policy is monitored and subject to regular review in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Feedback from all staff and participants is considered and may result in improvements being made to maintain a safe and inclusive working environment.
Itchy Teeth ensures safe recruitment through the following processes:
All individuals, especially those in contact with minors or venerable adults are subject to reference checks.
Enhanced DBS checks will be conducted for identified roles which involve regular unsupervised access with children and vulnerable adults.
Enhanced DBS checks will be conducted for any staff with line-management responsibility for roles which have unsupervised access with children and vulnerable adults even if they themselves do not have such access.
Working with Minors:
Prior to courses beginning staff & partnering organisations will carefully design activities to be:
Respectful to the developmental stages & sensitivities of the participants
Implement adequate supervision ratios based on the age and needs of the participants, ensuring complete safety & security at all times.
Participants (or their guardians) will be furnished with clear information about the nature of the activities, the roles of staff
Itchy Teeth’s Code of Conduct establishes the principles and expectations for professional conduct and ethical behaviour for all individuals engaging with Itchy Teeth and its workshops/courses. By adhering to this Code, we foster a positive, inclusive, and respectful work environment that aligns with our core values and objectives. Our code is drawn directly from UK Theatre’s principals for Safe and Inclusive Workspaces.
All employers, employees, workers, trainees, volunteers, trustees, directors and freelancers should adhere to the following principles.
Where we use the term ‘discrimination’, this is in reference to any of the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010, which include age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Discrimination against any of these characteristics is unethical and illegal.
The 10 Principles:
Everyone is responsible for creating and maintaining an inclusive workplace that is positive and supportive.
We recognise that harassment or discriminatory language or behaviour may be unlawful under the Equality Act 2010.
We will explicitly address and seek to prevent racism and all other forms of discrimination and bias, their manifestations and effects.
Those of us who are employers accept our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
We do not tolerate bullying, harassment or discrimination on any grounds, and will ensure that processes are in place for the reporting and investigation of these serious issues.
We recognise that bullying, harassment and discrimination can have significant adverse impacts on the productivity, long-term physical and mental health and well-being of affected people and we will work to eradicate it. This will mean providing adequate protection for complainants and victims, and, where bullying, harassment or discrimination is found to have occurred, taking appropriate action against the perpetrators.
We value inclusivity, appreciate difference, encourage self-education and consider people equal without prejudice or favour. We build relationships based on mutual respect. We will all work to give and receive feedback in a constructive way, which we know will improve creativity and productivity.
We understand that reporting bullying, harassment or discrimination can be intimidating. If anyone comes forward to report any of this behaviour, we will endeavour to make the process of reporting clear and straightforward, investigate objectively and respect confidentiality where possible. Individuals who have made complaints or participate in good faith in any investigation into bullying, harassment, or discrimination should not suffer any form of reprisal or victimisation as a result.
We will respect each other’s dignity and differences, regardless of the seniority of our role in an organisation.
As we continually work to better understand, develop and deliver this work, those of us who are employers commit to paying professionals with lived experience and/or specialist knowledge in these areas to advise us.
Reporting Mechanisms:
We encourage a culture of open communication. Staff, participants and partnering organisations are encouraged to report any unethical behaviour or violations of this Code. Itchy Teeth is committed to protecting the anonymity and safety of those who report misconduct and have established a clear & confidential process for reporting any safeguarding concerns or incidents.
The Reporting Process
Initial Reporting:
Any instance of misconduct or unethical behaviour within the organisation should be promptly reported through the appropriate channels. The initial point of contact for reporting is Itchy Teeth’s safeguarding officer:
Sam Wood:
Alternative Reporting:
If the reporter prefers not to approach Itchy Teeth directly, they are encouraged to email the partnered organisation with whom the workshop or course is taking place.
Third-Party Contact:
If the situation requires escalation to a third party, individuals are encouraged to reach out to Arts Council England:
This reporting process ensures that misconduct is addressed promptly and appropriately, contributing to a culture of transparency and accountability within our organisation.
For further information, Itchy Teeth follows the NCVO’s guidance on the handling and reporting of serious incidents. You can find out more here: